Paul Palazuelo

Pablo Palazuelo (Madrid, 1915-2007) is one of the international references of Spanish abstract art of the second half of the 20th century. His pictorial, sculptural and engraved work (including his forays into poetry and art theory) must be understood as a coherent whole.

The number, the drawing, the line, the plane, the space and the color are essential elements of his creation that are at the service of geometry. Not in vain, the Madrid master studied architecture and embraced painting without neglecting a deep curiosity for ancient philosophy -especially the pre-Socratics-, contemporary physics, as well as hermetic and oriental thought, readings that accompanied him until the end of his life. his existence.

"When I discovered that geometry is what is at the bottom of life, that it is what builds it, how could I think that geometry is cold? Is a flower, a seed, a wonderful snail on the beach cold? Is a starfish cold? Geometry is not cold; it will be school geometry, the one where some have stayed."
Paul Palazuelo